Pooph Review – Is Pooph The Best Dog Odor Remover?

pooph review

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Ok Ok Ok, what’s all the hype around this new product, Pooph! We decided to finally try it out to give our opinion and see what all the hype is about.  

As a pet owner, I understand the struggle of dealing with stains on our beloved carpets and rugs, especially those pesky urine stains from our furry friends. The Pooph claims to be a great solution to this problem. 

The reviews for The Pooph were promising, but there’s a bit of a mystery around how it works. Some studies suggest that it might cause damage, while others assure us that it’s safe for everyone, including our pets and the environment. It was odd to see such varying opinions. 

Now, let’s talk about the brand behind The Pooph. They’ve been a significant player in the odor elimination field for some time now. We hadn’t heard of their products before, but saw this trending online and had to try it out. They seem have a huge following online and are also getting big on TikTok. 

It claims to “instantly dismantle odor on a molecular level” and is also odorless! Odor has always been the worst part of these stain removers, so I was interested to see if it worked. They also mentioned it can work on toys and litter boxes.

Let’s see how it stacks up to Peach’s accidents!

What's the Pooph hype about?



Pooph is one of several products on the market that all seem to do the same thing. According to its website, it’s the same formula that municipal waste companies use and their claim to fame is the low odor factor of their product. They also claim that you only need a few prays and all odor is gone, which we will be testing for ourselves!

Although Pooph doesn’t remove stains, it does seem that most people that use it are using it as a stain remover to. One person we found on Amazon reviews tried using it to clean up a urine stain on his carpet and it seemed to work well. He wasn’t able to get rid of it fully, but it enough of a job. We’ll be trying this out.

Pooph retails for around $22 on Amazon with most other deodorizers and stain sprays being closer to the $15-20 range, so you definitely have to pay a bit of a premium for it. It does however have a ton of positive reviews, so perhaps it is worth the additional money. We’ll rate this below in our experience. 

Most of its ingredients are claimed to be the purest and safest available. Outside of cleaning up mistakes or deodorizing specific areas after an accident, many people have mentioned using it on toys, artificial turf, dog beds, cat litter and even stinky garbage cans. 

So let’s see, is Pooph just another product with fancy marketing or is Poop the best dog ordor remover? See below for our Pooph Review!

Our Experience with Pooph

We like to call Peach potty trained, but the reality is when it is raining or we can’t take her out in time, she may have a mistake or two. She is pretty good about the pad, but sometime we can mistakes, especially if she is staying with a relative. We decided to give Pooph a try so we could use it and we could also give it to people if they were watching Peach.

First things first, is there really no Odor? No, this is not true. It does have a very light odor, but you can certainly smell it and it isn’t an unpleasant smell at all. I’d say 9/10 on the odor.

Next, does it really work? We tried it after a pee accident and a poop accident that was a light one. We also sprayed all of her beds, yes she is a diva and has 3 beds, so they could smell nice as well. After a few days, the beds smelled alot better, however I think I would still stick to washing them. It felt a bit like spraying febreeze on old clothes, it could work in an emergency situation, but I always prefer clean clothes. 9.5/10 on eliminating odor!

Last, was it worth the price? I’m not so sure it is. I think it is a bit overhyped, as we have used products like this over the years that have provided the same results. I suppose if you are really sensitve to smell then Pooph might be good, but I have found other cleaners that work very similar. 7/10 on the price!



Final Thoughts & Our Recommendation


Alright, to wrap this up. Pooph Pet Odor Eliminator is good at getting rid of bad smells, but we wouldn’t recommend it for stain removal and it certainly comes at a premium price point. 

If you are someone that loves Febreeze because of the name brand, this may be for you. If you are open to alternative that do the exact same thing AND offer stain removal, we have a better option for you.  

We LOVE the Rocco & Roxie Supply Co. Stain & Odor Eliminator that you can grab here at a cheaper price pont and it offers the odor elimination as well. The one thing we will say is that it does have a more significant odor than Pooph, so if you are looking for something close to odorless, go with Pooph




Curious about any other products? Send us an email at info@pawsitivelypawsomereviews.com!


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