My Dog Licked My Wound, Now I’m Sick! – Is My Dog’s Tongue Clean?

can dogs lick me

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Have you ever caught yourself cringing as a friend nonchalantly shares their snack with their dog, insisting their dog’s mouth is cleaner than theirs? Like??

Yeah, we’ve all been there. Truth is, comparing a dog’s mouth to a human’s is like comparing apples to oranges – Yeah sure, there are similarities, but also some pretty big differences.

And let’s be real, the bond between a person and their pet is something truly special, so no judgments here if you’re guilty of sharing your water with Fido! After all, you do you!

Is a Dog’s Mouth Cleaner Than a Human’s Mouth?

can dogs lick me

Well, the verdict might surprise you – it’s a big fat no. Humans’ and dogs’ mouths are bustling hubs of microbes and bacteria.

Sure, there’s some overlap in the bacterial lineup, but each species also has its unique collection.

Take Porphyromonas, for example. It’s the troublemaker behind the periodontal disease in both humans and our dogs. The catch? In humans, it goes by P. gingivitis, while in dogs, it’s known as P. gulae. Fascinating, right? Research even suggests that we harbor roughly the same number of different bacteria in our mouths as our canine companions – around 600 to be exact.

Now, before you start fretting about swapping saliva with your dog, most of the bacteria hanging out in your dog’s mouth aren’t exactly the type of jump species. Translation? You’re unlikely to catch any nasty diseases from them.

That said, if your dog has a penchant for munching on less-than-appetizing snacks (think: fecal matter – yikes!), you might want to think twice before puckering up. So, while your dog’s mouth may not be sparkling clean, depending on their habits, it’s usually safe to share a smooch or two.


Is Dog Saliva Bad For Your Skin?

Well, it turns out that while dog saliva does contain some bacteria, it’s not necessarily as harmful to your skin as you might think. Certain components of dog saliva, like lysozyme and statins, have been found to have antibacterial and antifungal properties. 

Pretty cool, huh? That doesn’t mean you should go slathering your face in your dog’s saliva just yet. Excessive exposure to dog saliva can still potentially lead to irritation or even infections, especially if you have any existing cuts or wounds.


Is Dog Saliva Bad For Babies?

it’s natural to worry about your baby’s health, especially when it comes to their interactions with your dog. As we said earlier dog saliva does contain bacteria, but the risk of harm to babies is generally low.

Most of the bacteria found in a dog’s mouth are species-specific and not easily transmitted to humans, let alone infants. But, it’s still important to exercise caution, especially if your dog has any questionable habits, like licking their paws or sniffing around less-than-sanitary areas.

Babies have developing immune systems, so it’s wise to minimize their exposure to potential sources of infection, including dog saliva.


In conclusion, Should I let my dog continue to lick me?

Hmmm, Well, the decision boils down to personal preference and your comfort level with your dog’s affectionate gestures.

It’s important to consider factors like your dog’s habits and your health status before making this decision.

If your dog is clingy and has a thing for licking anything, or if you have any existing cuts or wounds, it might be wise to limit their licking privileges.

On the other side, if you enjoy those slobbery kisses and find comfort in your dog’s affection, there’s no harm in that.

Ultimately, it’s all about finding the right balance between enjoying your bond with your dog and prioritizing your health and well-being.

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